


three stars

Two committees will drive community engagement and the development of the strategic framework.


Innovation Committee

The Innovation Committee, primarily comprising faculty, is charged with reviewing baseline institutional research, identifying opportunities for strategic growth, and collecting input from the GW community through various means, including written ideas, town halls, and informal dialogues, about strategic opportunities aligned with our aspirations and themes. 

President Granberg's Charge to the Innovation Committee

October 2, 2024

As President, I charge this committee to:

  • Convene and develop creative and forward-thinking recommendations that will shape the future of The George Washington University through the development of a Strategic Framework. This committee will play a pivotal role in analyzing the current landscape, identifying GW’s strengths and opportunities, and gathering insights from the GW community. The Strategic Framework is expected to build on GW’s existing strengths, and differentiate the university in ways that position it for leadership in the evolving higher education landscape.

Specifically, this committee will:

  1. Explore research topics and inputs and review data. You will discuss GW's strengths, potential growth areas, opportunities for strategic differentiation from peer institutions, and synthesize key findings;
  2. Gather input from across the university community by soliciting written ideas and hosting Town Hall forums to ensure a wide representation of perspectives from faculty, students, and staff. This “Conversation Phase” of the work will help to surface bold ideas that address GW's grand challenges and thematic priorities; and
  3. Develop actionable recommendations that align with the four focal areas of the Thematic Core:
  • Advancing Impactful Knowledge Production Through Interdisciplinary Excellence;
  • Turning Ideas into Action as a Premier Global Convener;
  • Reimagining Skill Development for the Future; and
  • Redefining Authentic Leadership for Modern Challenges

Staff from the Office of Institutional Research and the Provost’s Office will provide you with research and administrative support, assisting you in accessing the necessary data, coordinating meetings, and organizing input from stakeholders. This will ensure that you have the resources needed to develop well-informed recommendations that align with GW's broader strategic goals.

Finally, I ask that you generate two deliverables this semester:

  1. A presentation designed to generate discussion and ideas during town hall meetings; and
  2. A draft report highlighting your preliminary findings and strategic opportunities for GW, based on your research and stakeholder input.

Thank you for agreeing to lead this vital effort that will guide the future of the University. I’m looking forward to working with you in the future on this important endeavor. 

Innovation Committee Members

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will review the Innovation Committee's recommendations to assess the potential impact and feasibility of the framework suggestions.

President Granberg's Charge to the Steering Committee

October 16, 2024

The charge of the Steering Committee is to review the Innovation Committee's recommendations, assess their strength and potential impact, ascertain the recommendations’ infrastructure needs and fund-raising potential, and reduce the list of recommendations to a more developed and curated set of priorities that will serve as the foundation for a solicitation of more detailed proposals and the strategic framework.

This curated set, along with feasibility and funding analyses, will be delivered to Provost Bracey and President Granberg for consideration and, ultimately, presented to the Board of Trustees for their approval.